guide to birthstones

Your Guide to Birthstones

Birthstones are gemstones that are associated with a particular month of the year. The tradition of assigning birthstones to months dates back to ancient times, when it was believed that these stones held special powers and properties that could bring good luck and protection to the wearer.

The origins of birthstones can be traced back to the Bible, where it is said that Aaron, the brother of Moses, wore a breastplate adorned with 12 precious stones, each representing one of the 12 tribes of Israel. These stones were believed to hold special powers and were said to protect the wearer from harm.

Over time, the idea of birthstones spread to other cultures, and different cultures began to assign their own meanings and associations to the stones. For example, in ancient Greece, birthstones were believed to have healing properties and were used in medicine. In ancient Rome, they were believed to bring good luck and were worn as talismans.

Today, the modern system of birthstones is recognized by the gem and jewellery industry and is widely accepted. Each month has a designated birthstone and many people choose to wear jewellery that features their birthstone to represent their month of birth.

Here is your Birthstone Guide:

January: Garnet - said to boost energy levels, improve circulation, and relieve skin conditions.

February: Amethyst - believed to calm the mind, relieve stress, and promote emotional balance.

March: Aquamarine - thought to aid in communication, reduce fear and anxiety, and help with throat and dental issues.

April: Diamond - said to improve overall health and vitality, boost the immune system, and help with addiction.

May: Emerald - believed to improve mental clarity, enhance memory, and help with eye and heart problems.

June: Pearl - said to improve digestion, relieve anxiety, and regulate hormones. Moonstone - believed to balance the emotions, relieve stress, and promote inner peace.

July: Ruby - thought to boost energy levels, improve circulation, and relieve skin conditions.

August: Peridot - believed to protect against negative energy, relieve stress, and promote emotional balance.

September: Sapphire - said to improve mental clarity, enhance memory, and help with eye and heart problems.

October: Opal - believed to balance the emotions, relieve stress, and promote inner peace. Tourmaline - said to boost energy levels, improve circulation, and relieve skin conditions.

November: Topaz - thought to protect against negative energy, relieve stress, and promote emotional balance. Citrine - believed to improve digestion, relieve anxiety, and regulate hormones.

December: Turquoise - said to improve overall health and vitality, boost the immune system, and help with addiction. Zircon - believed to aid in communication, reduce fear and anxiety, and help with throat and dental issues.

In conclusion, birthstones are a fascinating tradition that has its roots in ancient history and is still widely celebrated today. Whether you choose to wear a piece of jewellery with your birthstone or simply appreciate the beauty of these precious stones, birthstones offer a unique way to connect with our past and to the world around us. At Milly's Marvels we always have a beautiful range of gemstone rings available, to view our full collection click here.


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